Rose Blakeley

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The Ceremony of May
CD. Produced in 2010.
Poetry and song lyrics by Rose Blakeley.
Music written and arranged by Garry Blakeley.
Mastering and sound production by Edd Blakeley.
This will set the blood coursing through your veins!
Alan Titchmarsh (BBC National Radio).

Garry had the idea of adding music to some of my poems, and in doing
so, has created a vibrant album full of atmosphere and character that is quintessentially English. With its heady mix of dance tunes, added songs and spoken word, it relates the story of Hastings Jack-in-the-Green, a unique and traditional event, which I have always loved. Garry’s prolific skills as a producer/performer come into play, utilising an array of instruments and his own distinct vocals: featuring full-blown folk rock arrangements, alongside more subtle acoustic moments. The dynamic melodies provide a wide soundscape to accompany the evocative storytelling of Jane Downes, on a production overflowing with genuine highlights. This recording provides a colourful slice of British culture that will whisk you away in the haze of
May Day, whilst enhancing a truly great tradition.

As potent a mixture of music and words as I've heard in a long time: a beautifully modulated voice added to the artistry of one of the best fiddlers and fiddle composers in the country. On the first hearing I felt as though I'd tapped into something ageless, by the third I felt I'd known the tunes and the poems all my days.
Brian McNeill (Feast of Fiddles).
Photos of the live show were taken by Whitewheel Photography.

